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Company Secretarial Services

Under the Companies Act 2016, a company is required to have a company secretary. Our fee for acting as the company secretary start from RM1,000 yearly and include the following:

  • A qualified professional staff being named as company secretary of the company
  • Registered office address
  • Safekeeping of books and records as required by the Companies Act 2016
  • Maintaining registers and minutes of the company
  • Monitoring and advising on compliance with the relevant laws and regulations

Corporate Secretarial Services

Other secretarial services pricing will be based on our schedule of standard professional fee charges. The total secretarial fees that a company may incur every year varies depending on the activities and corporate exercises that it undertakes from time to time.

It is our good practice to send a proposal to prospective clients for consideration prior to engaging us as the company secretary. The proposal will lay out the terms of engagement and fee details to ensure our clients are well informed before we are formally appointed to carry out the professional duties as company secretary.

Contact us today to enquire for our company secretarial services and  the service package we can offer you.

Interested in Our Company Secretarial Services?

Let us cater to your company’s overall secretarial needs while you focus on your business. Be in touch with us for a free and no obligation discussion on how we can assist you on your company secretarial requirements.